Chapter 1: the beginning
A young boy was sitting in his cell awaiting his fate but he was no ordinary boy no he was sultan Makin of Egypt and Persia: who taking the throne at the sweet age of 4 and at 14 to lose everything at the basuleus of Byzantium. Creo parametric 3.0 free with crack 64 bit.
Now 3 days after his capture he was sure that today was his last day on this planet; Makin was no fool thinking that the basuleus would spare him and all the horrible possible deaths was racing through his mind now.
The noise of the cell opening break the train of his thoughts and found to his great surprise that the emperor himself was standing in front of him alongside with two guards.
Is he going to tell me my sentence he thought, a little scared of what he thought was going too happened. Forget to bow and one of the guards hissed at him 'bow to your emperor boy'
It's basically a sidegrade from CK2, and a downgrade in a lot of cases. I feel like it was vastly better when I wasn't playing with it. Now that I am, I can see where improvement is needed/where there are things I miss from CK2. Cosmosphere is a space museum and STEM education center in Hutchinson Kansas United States. Omonkhua who had spent their careers evangelizing about the value of museums Nov 14 2018 CK2 But My Son IS THE DEVIL Crusader Kings 2 Holy Fury 0 Stat Man Funny Moments Duration 19 29.
at that moment he felt the rage build through him and snapped back 'his is not my emperor, his a bustard who to took everything from me' he practically yelling the last sentence but step back when he saw the emperor's angry Clare at him.
'Watch your mouth boy have at least some respect for you elders' he responded 'why? In a few second, I won't even live; this is what you are here to tell me aren't you? Then tell me what death awaits me: lions? Poison? Or you will just leave me starve here utile I beg and die?' Makin was about to throw a punch at him but he was stopped by the emperor's strong hand catching his and left out a tiny yell of pain.
He know he had done the things worse now and his death was going to be more painful than ever and as the emperor spoke the boy held his breath ' I thought I was going to a mature young man but the only thing I see is a baby having an attitude, well then if you what to act like a child you will be punished like one too'.
Before Makin was able to react, he found himself over the older man's lap his backside raised up to the whole room to see and the emperor wasted no time and stared smacking the teen's bottom.
The first swat taking him by surprise and he yelled a little but he decided to stay still. If the basuleus thought, he could break him he was wrong he was not going to cry neither beg him to stop. Makin was going too sown him that he was strong and not a baby.
Okay maybe he was wrong after the 5th swat he started kicking his legs. It hurts the former sultan's thought he didn't understand how a spanking was hurting so much but he wanted to end
At some pint after the 20th swat the basuleus stopped and Makin thought it was the end and he barely cried but basuleus crap the edge of his pants and pull them down baring his already red bottom and stared the assault again
after this Makin felt tears to started fall to his cheeks as the emperor continue to spank for like what he thought was an eternity basuleus stopped and had a look at the former sultan: his bottom was a deep red color and he could hear him crying but he knew the punishment was far from over and he spoke too one of the guard saying only one sentence ' bring the strap'
when Making heard this fear overcome him he barely bear only with the emperor's hand he could not handle the strap he just knew it ' please not the strap please I wont try to punch you again I promised' he begged but the emperor cut him of ' silence that you have done was wrong and you will be punished for that, but i what to tell you one thing you won't be killed you will live understand?' he asked when he dint answer he landed an extremely hurt swat at his sit spot and he yelled yes.
by the time they ended the guard has return with a horrible looking strap an when the former sultan saw it he stared struggling to get out but he basuleus held him in place and his stared hitting the bare bottom with the strap
his eyes grew wide with the pain and he stared crying hard now, his pride now was thrown out the only thing he cared was for this end
'Please stop it hurt's I am sorry' Makin had not fell such pain in his entire life, of Corse his educator sparked him some time but no one ever strap him and it felt awful. 'you will sown respect to your elders boy and if you try to hit me I will get the cane to your backside understood?' the basuleus lectured and started strap the boy thighs .'yes! Please it hurt stop please I am sorry' he yelled and started sobbing, after some time he gave up stopped kicking, struggling and just lay on the older man's lap waiting for the punishment to end.
the basuleus now ended the punishment and he stranded to rub the boys back who still dint notice the punishment ended when he stooped sobbing the basuleus put him at his cell bed and told him 'sleep well we will speak tomorrow' leaving a very confused and scared boy behind.
so, this is a sort story that has been in my mind since I brought ck2 and I hope you all enjoy it. If you did not get it, yet this story will have spanking in it I hope that didn't offend you, if it did you know where the exit is.
Bye see you soon giorgosth128.
Keeping your council busy is an arduous task but can have some huge long-term benefits. One of the more mysterious actions of your counselor is the Sow Dissent ability. It is a little ambiguous and a lot of players ask how to sow dissent and what the benefits are.
Let’s start off by saying that this ability is a little weaker than some of the other actions you can take, but when used properly, it is a pretty neat effect. In its most basic operation, Sowing Dissent lowers the opinion of a character toward their liege. While on its own, it doesn’t seem to do much, when combined with other strategies, it can be very effective.
Some of the interactions in Crusader Kings 2 are connected to the opinion rating between players. When trying to secure a strategic alliance or plotting to remove the competition, the opinion rating means a great deal. Simply put, you need characters to like you more than they like the other characters. Getting characters to support your plot is a whole lot easier if they dislike the target.
When attempting to lower a character’s opinion of another character, keep these things in mind. Like most things in the game, there is a percentage chance over time of being successful. To maximize this change, make sure you have a highly rated counselor. Their ability bonus will help the event spawn more reliably.
Next, make sure to place the councilor in the location of the character you want to have the lower opinion. Most players make the mistake of placing their counselor in the capital city of the liege instead of the targeted vassal. When properly placed, the councilor with whisper dissention for as long as it takes to have an effect. With a good counselor, you can expect an average rate of three years for this event to spawn.
There is a chance that the barony of the affected county will get mad at your target as well, but such is the trade of rumors and secrets. They are unpredictable. Sowing Dissent in CK2 is definitely not the most powerful thing you can do, but it can be part of a complex strategy to help you achieve your goals.
Let me know in the comments below how you use this ability.